On static site generation

I've had it with databases.

No, no, I mean it! They're nice for letting Rando Calrissian make changes to the data on your system, but I don't need Rando's help. I'm not Han Solo, and I'm not frozen in carbonite, and I'm not that interested in gambling in the first place.

That's right. Fuck Rando. Let's do this.

Han frozen in carbonite

Look, I gotta be honest with you: the entire reason I went with Ghost in the first place was that I wanted to write my blog posts in markdown, because I write a lot of things in markdown. Now, of course, that's not even how Ghost works anymore. The one thing that they have kept one hundred percent dependable is that, if you don't constantly groom and update and coddle your server, it will stop working! When that happens, you're left with basically no recourse.

The backup facilities require the API to be running; the export system was never anything other than an experiment; updating or reinstalling or (God forbid) fixing a borked instance is all practically impossible for a myriad of reasons, most of which boil down to SOME IMBECILE THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO BASE ALL OF THIS CRAP ON NODE. You know the worst thing about node? It's the fact that, no matter how nice the lipstick is, this pig is still all written in javascript, by javascript developers. These are people who think === is a normal thing to write in software! Well, I've had enough. I'm done depending on these semi-simian nutjobs to make my site work.

Right now, I'm experimenting with Zola, but it doesn't really matter if that works out or not. The truth is, I'm going to have copies of all my text in markdown, on my own computer, which is backed up because it's MY COMPUTER. These asshats have eaten my on-again off-again writing output for the last time.