It doesn't even matter

Joseph Biden is sick. He caught "covid." Oh no! Whatever will we do? This totally unanticipated turn of events could force the sitting president of the United States to effectively bow out of the race, causing incalculable turmoil as his party struggles to replace him at the last minute, even though they have full confidence in his ability to lead the nation, because they definitely haven't been lying to us about their puppet corpse for the past four years...

But you know what? It doesn't matter.

Biden is a puppeted corpse

It doesn't matter because they have absolute narrative control. They can say whatever they want, whenever they want, for as long as they want, without anyone or anything who can point out the obvious lies, because they control every channel on every television set, every website at every IP address, and there is no way to break their blockade of the human mind.

"But Bigfry!"

No, shut up. You don't understand why this is important. It's important because they have absolute control over what the American People think.

"But Bigfry, they don't control what I--"

I said shut up! They don't control what you think, or what I think, or even what your neighbor thinks. Read what I fucking said. They have final veto over those facts that the American people as a whole are able to think, believe, and act on. Because they have lied to us constantly for... well, basically my entire life... Because they absolutely refuse to just come out and admit that what we all know is true, and because they just don't give a fuck, they can--and they will--absolutely prevent us from developing any kind of actionable consensus. Intentional or not, this is the most dangerous effect of the constant falsehoods we are forced to listen to, day in and day out, from "Biden is young and strong and vital," to, "Your air conditioner is destroying the planet!"

The result of all of this is that the American people, and by extension the people of the Western world, are atomized and demoralized. Everyone knows the truth but denies it even to himself, or else doesn't dare to speak it outside his own tiny circle of friends. Everyone is miserable and alone, lost in this cesspit that we call the modern world. Everyone is...

Well, shit, I just made myself sad.

Anyway, you aren't alone. Talk to people you know. Tell them what you really think. You don't need CNN to build a consensus, to construct a community, to reach out to your fellow man and knit the world back together again. Maybe what you need is for CNN to just go off the air forever.